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  |   zambia   |   No comment

Stories of Transformation in Zambia

This is the story of Michael Kalenga, a student at Hope Community School who receives education, nutrition, medical care and emotional support through the Spark-Hope partnership. His story was taken by Brady & Liz Josephson during the June 2010 Transformation Trip.Michael Kalenga is thirteen years...

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09 April
  |   chicago, non-profit, nonprofit, socent, social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, social good, spark, spark ventures   |   No comment

9 Ways to Support Spark Without Spending Money!

If you are excited about our the way we lift children out of poverty through our sustainability-focused partnership model, there are many ways that you can show your support- even without financial investment!One of the main steps in growing Spark’s base of support is via...

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09 April
  |   chicago, nonprofit, NPTalk, organization, social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, spark ventures, zambia   |   1 Comment

Meet Lucy Jodlowska – Spark’s New Director of Partnerships!

Meet Lucy Jodlowska, Spark's first ever Director of Partnerships. After accepting the position two weeks ago, she hopped on a plane and headed with a Spark team to Central America this past week, and is now back in Chicago and settling into her new...

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04 April
  |   Uncategorized   |   1 Comment

Never a Dull Flight

I'm now in the British Airways lounge at London Heathrow after two flights that took me from Livingstone to Johannesburg and now to London. I've just got one more flight before I'm home to San Francisco, and I'm looking forward to resting up after a...

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24 January
  |   zambia   |   No comment

Fish Eyes and Other Animals

We've had a truly lovely two days in Livingstone. Yesterday, after a magical trip to see Victoria Falls, one of the seven natural wonders of the world, we arrived back at the hotel for a calm dinner at the hotel.Scott ordered the bream, and as...

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23 January
  |   zambia   |   No comment

Two Fun Stories

It’s been an action packed few days, and we’re now in Livingstone after a short trip to Lusaka to see the farm. I’m excited to share two of the best stories from the past couple days! It turns out you can buy absolutely anything from...

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21 January
  |   zambia   |   No comment

Goodbyes in Ndola

Today was a bittersweet day as we said goodbye to the staff and students at Hope Ministries in Ndola. Tomorrow morning we'll drive to Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, to see the poultry farm that Spark helped to launch in May 2011 and that has...

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19 January
  |   zambia   |   No comment

Surprises Are the Best Part.

After a rather structured morning that took us around Ndola to see and learn about the effects of colonialism, slavery and HIV/AIDS, Jamie, one of our trip participants, and I were certainly feeling a bit weighed down.I find that it's precisely in these moments when...

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17 January
  |   zambia   |   No comment

Best Quote So Far

Margaret, who used to be the manager of a major bank, is the deputy director of Hope Ministries. She is also a tall and wonderfully hilarious woman who has consistently had the best one-liners on every single trip I've taken here.Half the time I feel...

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15 January
  |   zambia   |   No comment

Rowdy Kids, Bright Futures

Although in Zambia education is supposedly free from Grades 1-9, costs for school fees, uniforms, books and supplies add up to the point that many students cannot afford to complete even this level of basic education.To ensure that Hope's Grade 7 graduates (who have performed...

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14 January
  |   report from the field, zambia   |   No comment


I love when I get to provide training workshops to Hope staff during my trips here. It's always fun and educational both for me and (hopefully!) for the staff as well.Today I gave a workshop on managing change that was an absolute blast. I've found...

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12 January
  |   zambia   |   No comment

Heartbreak vs. Inspiration

One of my favorite things to do when I come to Zambia is to record what we call Transformation Stories. These are stories of children in incredible and challenging circumstances who are steadily transforming their lives through education and the support of Hope Ministries.Today, Pastor...

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10 January
  |   zambia   |   No comment

Joann vs. Jet Lag

For most people I know, jet lag means waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to fall back asleep. For me, jet lag normally means sleeping twice as much as usual, which has made the past day here a bit...

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08 January
  |   zambia   |   No comment

New Year, New Trip!

Hello Spark friends! It is so exciting to start 2012 off with a trip to Zambia! After leaving the US on Thursday evening, I arrived in Zambia this morning and had a smooth and (relatively) restful trip. It feels great to be back in Lusaka,...

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07 January
  |   zambia   |   1 Comment

New Shoes at Hope School!

  Although the school year has ended for the students at Hope Community School in Zambia, the children were eager to return to their school during their December break for a very special event - to hear their test scores for the year. This event is...

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27 December