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Deepening commitments and expanding on long-standing programs


This year the strength of Spark Ventures’ long-standing programming shone through. Because we have more than a decade and a half of relationships built on trust with our partners and supporters, we were able to lean into some of our partners’ biggest needs, while continuing to support core education, nutrition, and healthcare programming around the globe.


For example, our deep understanding of the nuances of the educational needs at Hope Community School has informed our “Zooming with Zambia” program. This initiative began as remote math tutoring during the pandemic, but has evolved and grown to encompass a significant advancement in Hope Community School’s technological prowess – and all the opportunities that follow with this increased access.

The pandemic feels like something we are no longer living in the thick of, but the two year hiatus that it imposed on our ability to bring travelers on our impact travel experiences to see our work first hand, only truly lifted this past year. And what a year of travel we had! We were able to jump right back into these life-changing experiences and look forward to even more in 2024.


The impact of our initiatives on the individuals and families supported by our partners continues to inspire.


I hope that this report helps illuminate just how impactful our work together is. Thank you for joining us this past year as we deepened our commitments and expanded on long-standing programs!

With gratitude,

2020 Annual Report - Design Content-02

Kristin Schrepferman

Executive Director, Spark Ventures

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