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Work in Chicago

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WeGrow Computer Lab (2)
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I Grow - 04 - Bobbie from Wellness
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We Grow Chicago: Uplifting the Community of West Englewood


We Grow Chicago is located in Chicago’s south side neighborhood of West Englewood. We Grow was founded in 2013 at the corner of 64th and Honore with the mission of growing West Englewood from surviving to thriving. From one woman’s idea to a whole neighborhood’s heart, We Grow is the story of people coming together and working for change. We Grow is overcoming a history of violence and trauma through hope, resiliency and most of all, love.


With years of disinvestment and structural racism, West Englewood had become an opportunity and resource desert, leading many into the street economy to survive. Children couldn’t play outside, and residents stayed in their homes out of fear.


Today, the Peace House stands at the same corner where the seed for We Grow was planted. It serves as the community center on the neighborhood’s Peace Campus – a gathering and healing zone covering 16 properties. The campus is home to a trusted community-based coalition of nonprofits that creates a safe space where residents can demand action to improve their quality of life. The coalition of partners strategically align programs, services and advocacy efforts to provide residents resources to access immediate basic needs support, family social services, empowerment programs, skill building classes and community connection.


Spark Ventures contributes to We Grow’s mission by supporting impactful programs, including:


  • The Spark Inspiration Computer Lab: The digital divide in Englewood is vast – 70% of its residents don’t have an internet connection in their homes. Spark supports a new computer lab on the Peace Campus, providing a space for students to receive educational support, as well as for teens and adults to continue their education and search for employment. We also support the salary of the Peace Campus Director who oversees the computer lab and coordinates programming that takes place in the lab.


  • Kids on the Move Summer Camp: Children ages 6-12 participate in summer programming that gives them a chance to get outside, learn, explore, be active, and build new friendships in a safe, joyful, and intellectually stimulating place. The camp’s activities strengthen the childrens’ physical, mental, and emotional growth while expanding their world.


  • Community Event Sponsorship: Spark Ventures helps make Unity Day a reality. This annual community clean-up day gathers 250+ volunteers who span out across 100+ different sites in Englewood for “The Largest Community Clean-Up in Chicago.” Everyone deserves to live in a neighborhood they can take pride in. More information on the next Unity Day, here.

Introducing SparkVenture’s Newest Partner: We Grow


We’re honored to support their programming, excited to expand our impact, and for the first time in Spark’s history – have the opportunity to engage with powerful partnership initiatives right here at home.

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Empower future leaders.


Consider a contribution to help us provide digital literacy programming & technology equipment for West Englewood residents in the Spark Inspiration Computer Lab.

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