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  |   education, healthcare, nutrition, partnership trip, public health, report from the field, social good, spark, spark ventures, travel, zambia   |   No comment

Goings on in Zambia

Every day in Zambia is new and exciting, even for those who have made the trip to visit our partner in Ndola many times before. It's wonderful to see Ndola develop economically over the years.Ndola development - new mall with a Subway, grocery store and...

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18 July
  |   community programs, education, partnership trip, report from the field, spark ventures, travel, zambia   |   No comment

The Warmest Welcome from our Zambian Friends

Our first full day in Zambia began early and (as always) was filled with learning, dancing, and eating with the children and staff at Hope Ministries. Upon arrival at the Hope campus, we were greeted with a joyous welcome program. Staff and students alike enjoy...

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16 July
  |   community programs, education, nutrition, organization, partnership trip, report from the field, spark, spark ventures, travel, zambia   |   No comment

News from Ndola!

Before our partnership trip participants arrived in Zambia, Spark CEO, Rich and Finance Manager, Marcia, met with our partners at Hope Ministries and at the Poultry farm to carry out a financial audit and take care of other Spark work. They also spent time preparing...

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15 July
  |   community programs, education, nutrition, organization, partnership trip, report from the field, spark ventures, travel, zambia   |   No comment

…And They’re Off!

After months of planning and preparation, the time has finally come! Spark CEO, Rich, and our Finance Manager, Marcia, have bid farewell to America and are finally on their way to Zambia for our July Partnership trip. Although our 14 trip participants won’t be arriving...

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08 July
  |   community programs, education, nicaragua, partnership trip, report from the field, travel   |   No comment

Transformation Stories: Allison

One of the incredibly important activities, included in every Partnership Trip Spark facilitates, is what we call a "Transformation Story." In Nicaragua, this is an opportunity to visit one of the beneficiaries of Las Tías in their home. Their generous families invite our travelers into...

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27 April