Goings on in Zambia
Spark Ventures
partnership trip,
public health,
report from the field,
social good,
spark ventures,
zambia |
Every day in Zambia is new and exciting, even for those who have made the trip to visit our partner in Ndola many times before. It’s wonderful to see Ndola develop economically over the years.
Ndola development – new mall with a Subway, grocery store and more. |
Our partnership trips are filled with different learning experiences, for Hope students and trip participants alike! On the second day of the trip, a lesson on Bemba, the local language in Ndola, was given by teacher N’goma. Look at our bright and attentive students!
Our trip participants are really put to work–no matter how old they are! It’s great to see families joining us on our trips, a trend that will continue for our August trip to Nicaragua. It’s never too early to start traveling and connecting with people around the world!
Genoa and her sister took the painting quite seriously and helped out big time!
Maggie and the Spark crew painted the inside and outside of the school kitchen building.
Kalyss and Marcia working hard.
One of the most exciting things about our partnership trips is the two-way street of learning and giving that happens. Our trip participants get so much from the students, teachers and staff members they meet at Hope, and also have a change to give. Krupa, a second-time traveler with Spark, taught oral hygiene to Hope students in a fun and creative way. Krupa and the students used the bottoms of 2-liter soda bottles to be big teeth, and then had students brush hard boiled eggs that had soaked in dye. This educational session all served as a part of Krupa’s master’s course in public health. New grade 4 teacher Dorcas helped translate.

Speaking of learning and giving back, one of our favorite components of our partnership trips to Zambia is reading partners! Top students get the chance to make a new friend and read with one of our trip participants. What a treat!

Here are some other sights and scenes from our trip thus far.
Genoa stirring the pot for school lunch |
Gravesite. Always sobering to see so many young deaths. |
New Hope House mother reads with Elijah and others. |
New lockable classroom cabinets, purchased with revenue from this trip! |
Theresa and students. |
Tooth brushing program still going strong! |
Dinner with the Mumbas ended with fun storytelling!
Thanks for following our journey, and keep checking back for more updates. Shalenipo (goodbye) for now!