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Author: Tobi Agurkis

  |   community programs, mexico, social entrepreneurship, social good, Uncategorized, women's empowerment

Recicla San Pancho: Ecological Sustainability at Entreamigos

Entreamigos has a widespread impact on the personal community of San Pancho, but their reach continues to extend even further. For over ten years, Entreamigos has partnered with universities in Mexico, the United States, and Europe to provide internship opportunities to college students. For six...

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28 September
  |   community programs, education, healthcare, mental health, nutrition, partnership trip, technology literacy, travel, women's empowerment, zambia

Spark Signature Travel Experiences: The 2023 Educator Empowerment Initiative

      For over fifteen years, Spark Ventures has brought travelers to our international and local partners in Zambia, Nicaragua, Mexico, and Chicago to see our work in action. Spark’s Signature Travel Experiences are culturally empowering, mutually beneficial, and focused on lasting impact. At...

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25 August
  |   mexico, staff

Welcome, Indira: Entreamgios’ New Director

        Entreamigos, Spark’s partner in San Pancho, Mexico, has been blessed with incredible leadership and staff. Since 2006, Entreamigos has dedicated themselves to San Pancho’s youth and their families. Through environmentalism, women’s and youth programming, Entreamigos has and continues to empower the...

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27 June