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community programs

  |   chicago, community programs, events, organization, We Grow Chicago

Unity Day: Beautify and Celebrate with the Englewood Community

Spark’s partner organization, We Grow Chicago, is continually seeking solutions to poverty and disinvestment while empowering the broader community of West Englewood. Thanks to the incredible work of We Grow Chicago, initiatives and programs provide resources and create opportunities for community members. The Inspiration Lab,...

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01 April
  |   #graduation4all, #inspired, community programs, education, organization, social good, Uncategorized, zambia

Charting Success: How Hope Community School Empowers Students to Excel

        At Hope Community School, vulnerable students receive incredible educational opportunities that change lives. Dedicated educators, staff, and Spark volunteers inspire students to learn, grow, and dream about their futures. Hope prepares its students for success in and out of the classroom;...

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15 February
  |   community programs, education, nicaragua

Crafting Futures: How Las Tias Nurtures Entrepreneurial Spirits Through Vocational Excellence

        In Nicaragua, pathways to self-sufficiency are created and supported by Spark's partner organization: Las Tias. At Las Tias, vocational training and programs provide long-lasting benefits to individuals, families, and communities. The foundational saying of Las Tias- “No al trabajo infantil, ¡si...

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10 January
  |   community programs, education, mexico, nicaragua, technology literacy, We Grow Chicago, zambia

Bright Minds, Bright Futures: The Transformative Power of Education

        At Spark Ventures, we are committed to our mission of providing sustainable solutions to lift communities out of poverty and empower future leaders. Education is an essential part of Spark’s mission because it is key to individual sustainability, helping to break...

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04 December
  |   community programs, mexico, social entrepreneurship, social good, Uncategorized, women's empowerment

Recicla San Pancho: Ecological Sustainability at Entreamigos

Entreamigos has a widespread impact on the personal community of San Pancho, but their reach continues to extend even further. For over ten years, Entreamigos has partnered with universities in Mexico, the United States, and Europe to provide internship opportunities to college students. For six...

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28 September
  |   community programs, education, healthcare, mental health, nutrition, partnership trip, technology literacy, travel, women's empowerment, zambia

Spark Signature Travel Experiences: The 2023 Educator Empowerment Initiative

      For over fifteen years, Spark Ventures has brought travelers to our international and local partners in Zambia, Nicaragua, Mexico, and Chicago to see our work in action. Spark’s Signature Travel Experiences are culturally empowering, mutually beneficial, and focused on lasting impact. At...

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25 August
  |   Business, business development, community programs, education, girls, non-profit, nonprofit, social good, spark, spark ventures, zambia

Village Banking in Twapia, Zambia

  Hope Community School’s Village Banking program is continuing to educate and empower members of their community in Twapia, Zambia. In addition to providing fresh vegetables from the Hope Community School Farm for participants to sell, this impactful program teaches aspiring entrepreneurs how to attain financial...

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13 January