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  |   chicago, events, news, organization, spark ventures   |   No comment

Socializing for Good with the YPS

The Young Professionals of Spark (YPS), a community of young professionals dedicated to spreading awareness and raising support for Spark Ventures, recently held a delicious event!  On Saturday, March 21st, the group got together with friends, family and others interested in international development to discuss Spark's mission...

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26 March
  |   chicago, community programs, nicaragua, non-profit, partnership trip, spark, spark ventures, travel   |   No comment

Escape the Polar Vortex with Spark in Nicaragua!

Tired of battling the cold and hearing words like "polar vortex" on a daily basis? Consider joining us on an upcoming Partnership Trip to Nicaragua. We will be traveling to visit our (tropically located) partner, Las Tías, on April 21-27, 2014.In addition to an escape...

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24 February
  |   chicago, non-profit, nonprofit, socent, social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, social good, spark, spark ventures   |   No comment

9 Ways to Support Spark Without Spending Money!

If you are excited about our the way we lift children out of poverty through our sustainability-focused partnership model, there are many ways that you can show your support- even without financial investment!One of the main steps in growing Spark’s base of support is via...

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09 April
  |   chicago, nonprofit, NPTalk, organization, social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, spark ventures, zambia   |   1 Comment

Meet Lucy Jodlowska – Spark’s New Director of Partnerships!

Meet Lucy Jodlowska, Spark's first ever Director of Partnerships. After accepting the position two weeks ago, she hopped on a plane and headed with a Spark team to Central America this past week, and is now back in Chicago and settling into her new...

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04 April