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Announcing: Groupon Partnership #2

  |   chicago, organization, partnership trip, travel, zambia   |   No comment

We couldn’t be more excited to share with you that Spark Ventures is partnering with Groupon to offer our 2014 Partnership Trips to Zambia. If you missed it, we partnered with Groupon in 2012 and it was a roaring success – our trips sold out in just 7 days. The deal went live today! Check it out and consider joining us.

You can find the Spark Ventures Volunteer Vacation in Zambia here: 

With our January & July trips offered, 40 new travelers have the opportunity to join us on an incredible, life-changing journey to Zambia. We would love for you to be among those who join us for this adventure!

Need a bit more convincing? Check out our recent feature in the popular travel blog, Fathom or take a peek at a great photo blog from one of our original Groupon-ers, chronicling the Zambia Partnership trip through her own eyes.

Our first partnership with Groupon brought us such incredible people – will you join us this time around? All you need is an enthusiasm for adventure and a passion for sustainable solutions lifting children out of poverty. Got those? What are you waiting for?

Not quite ready to buy a plane ticket to Zambia for yourself? I bet you have a friend or two who might consider it. Will you share our deal on social media to help get the word out?

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