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The Meaning of “Ubuntu”

  |   education, girls, non-profit, nonprofit, social good, spark ventures, travel, women's empowerment, zambia

Each one of Spark’s grassroots partners is extremely unique. But no matter the location, the culture, or the environment, there’s one very special thing they all have in common: the people and their desire for a deeper connection to their communities and the world around them. We’d like to invite you to watch the following video produced by Tuthill, a Chicago company who traveled to Zambia with Spark to create part of their documentary-series called “The Search for Aliveness“. During their time at Spark’s partner organization, Hope Community School, they explored the African meaning of “ubuntu” and how connections between people can change lives. Specifically the life of Nandila, an orphan whose life experiences eventually led her to her new home in Hope’s orphanage.




Nandila’s Story

Nandila has led a difficult childhood. At birth, she was rejected by her parents and survived a traumatic experience that led to Nandila losing her eyesight. After another very traumatic experience, her mother died in 2017 and Nandila’s grandmother became her caretaker (full story can be heard in the video above at 13:20).


Nandila has lived her entire life with blindness, which has prevented her from receiving an education. Zambia’s only school for the visually impaired, Lion’s School for the Blind, is located near Spark’s partner organization, Hope Community School. Nandila is now living at Hope’s orphanage and receiving the care she needs while being able to get an education suited for her needs! Not only that, Nandila now has a community of supporters through Tuthill, Spark, and her Hope House family who has given her a new meaning to the word “ubuntu”.