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Rain, Rain

Hello again, everyone! So far this trip, Mama Lillian has been puzzled as to why we have not had more rain, which is the one thing that's able to combat the heat from the sun. Well, she's finally gotten her wish, as we've had two...

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13 January
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Ok, so I am writing in a moment of pure, unadulterated excitement. After pouring over Hope Ministries' accounting system and books over the last couple weeks, I kept having trouble figuring out how to help Hope create a general ledger (where they can track all...

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12 January
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First Day of School

Hi Everyone! It is a sweltering day here, but I'm thrilled at the progress that has been made over the last day.The North Park students worked on planning the clinic yesterday after getting to the office from the church service. I was excited to see...

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03 January