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Spark Ventures Gift: At-Risk Youth Programming for a Year



Teenagers at Las Tias in Nicaragua receive educational support and learn skills in leather making, sewing, baking, beauty, pinata making, woodworking and more. These programs provide diverse educational initiatives, social-emotional support, tutoring, mentoring, job skills training and more. By participating in these programs, teens become more confident and are empowered with some of the skills they need to achieve their potential in life. Your gift can provide support and vocational skills training for one student for a year.



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With a Spark Ventures gift, you can give in honor of friends and family while ensuring your gift will make a powerful impact on the communities we serve around the world. Through Spark Ventures’ strategic approach to philanthropy, your gift will be put to work addressing critical community needs in Chicago, Zambia, Nicaragua and Mexico. Help us empower future leaders.