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Our History

The Origin of Spark – From Africa to Chicago

In the summer of 2006, Scott Barbeau, Rich Johnson and Dan Marcus took a life-changing trip to Zambia. Upon their return, they founded Spark Ventures (in 2007) with a mission to strengthen and sustain grassroots NGOs helping children and their families living in extreme poverty.


We have grown exponentially since the initial launch of our organization. For a trip down memory lane, and to see the origin story of our work, check out our “From Africa to Chicago” video.

Growth: From Our 2007 Launch to Today

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– Zambia, 2007-present
– Nicaragua, 2012-present
– Mexico, 2017-present
– Chicago, 2020-present


Children served:

– from 60 to thousands


Individual Contributors:

– from 70 to over 900 supporters each year


Annual Revenue:

– from $75,000 to $850,000



– 700 participants & counting

more on the growth we have achieved with each partner on their location-specific page…