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Announcing New Partnership: Allowance for Good

  |   chicago, news, nonprofit, organization, social good, spark ventures   |   No comment

We are excited to announce a new partnership for Spark Ventures that pairs our international work with another local Chicago organization, expanding horizons for local teens. Allowance for Good (AfG) is a network of American youth ages 13-18 that partner together to improve the lives of children living in poverty globally by investing in their educational potential. Spark Ventures is proud to serve as AfG’s newest Global Affiliate.

Allowance for Good was established in the summer of 2010 to cultivate a culture of giving and to inspire a ripple of change among youth to become the next generation of engaged global givers and citizens. The organization teaches participants that meaningful and thoughtful contributions of any size to the needs of international communities can broaden their perspectives of the world and help make a difference in the education systems of developing countries. Allowance for Good reaches youth of all socioeconomic backgrounds and demonstrate that participating as a global citizen is not bound by income, race, or culture.

After a visit from Spark Ventures CEO, Rich and Director of Partnerships, Lucy to their Global Philanthropy Summit, AfG participants enthusiastically took up the banner of the Spark mission. Students have already begun working to support three different projects, all focused on the children at Hope Community School in Zambia. Supplies they collected in support of the dental hygiene program at Hope have already made their way to Zambia, and into the hands (and mouths) of students there.

We look forward to continued collaboration between Spark Ventures, Allowance for Good and their growing network of global citizens!

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