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Ignite 2015: Empowering Women & Girls

  |   #girleffect, chicago, events, girls, nicaragua, public health, women's empowerment, zambia

Spark Ventures partners with organizations that prioritize the empowerment of women and girls. Thanks to strategic and financial support provided by Spark Ventures, our social impact partners are on the front lines of empowering girls who otherwise could be left behind.


This year, Spark’s annual event, Ignite 2015, will highlight the work that we do in conjunction with our social impact partners that benefits women and girls. Interested in learning more about how our partnerships are creating a better future for girls in Zambia and Nicaragua? Read on, but also, save the date! Join us on Friday, October 23rd at The Murphy for an evening of inspiration and surprises highlighting Spark Ventures’ impact on women and girls.



So, how are we making a difference in the lives of women and girls?


Our partnerships support education, health, employment, and advocacy for women and girls in areas that are often underserved, creating a better environment for them to flourish.


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Spark Ventures’ partnerships ensure girls have the resources they need to excel, and stay in school longer than their peers who lack a comparable support network. This investment in education will pay off; every extra year of education for a girl increases her future income by between 10 and 20%.


Spark serves girls who would otherwise have extremely limited educational prospects. Our partners not only provide basic healthcare services like clinics, deworming, and psychological care, but they also take an active role in the health of the young girls they serve – providing important programming on AIDS awareness and other sex education and pregnancy prevention.


We don’t stop supporting girls once they’ve graduated. Spark Ventures’ investments and financial support ensures employment for roughly 50 local leaders in communities where unemployment is a pervasive challenge (unemployment rates are 15% in Zambia and 8% in Nicaragua). Staff at our social impact partner community program centers are over 66% women.




Intrigued? Inspired? Join us and other like-minded professionals on Friday, October 23rd Ignite 2015 to learn more and celebrate this work with us.